Last Week's Links 9-08-20
If you haven’t already, check out our Rom Family Chiropractic Facebook page, be sure to like it, and we will be sure to keep the good info coming your way!
Rom Family Chiropractic
Before we get to the links:
The health and safety of our patients and team is our highest priority. We are continuing to schedule by appointment only to allow for the thorough cleaning of surfaces between visits. We are limiting the number of people in the office at any given time, and we are following other suggested guidelines for safety and prevention to ensure a clean, stress-free environment for everyone.
If this crisis has showed us anything it’s how important it is to have a high level of durable baseline health and resilience—now more than ever!
Here are the links from our Rom Family Chiropractic Facebook page and all the good stuff we posted over the last week!
We like to post things on a wide variety of health topics, but it can all be broken down into 5 broad categories:
- Being well-adjusted
- Eating well
- Moving well
- Thinking well
- Sleeping well
Here are the links we posted from last week:
Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome Tied to Risk of COVID Infection, Severity
If you’ve been following the real story about the COVID Crisis, you’d know that, by far, the greatest risk factors are metabolic disease. This has never been a secret, yet no one has been talking about what to do about it.
It’s encouraging to see someone address it, and not just try to put a mask on it.
How Defeating Coronavirus Starts At The Dinner Table
“Chronic diseases often result, not from inadequate medical care, but, from an unhealthy diet. A 2018 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association examined more than 80 risk factors for premature death. Poor nutrition was the single most influential factor, contributing to more than 520,000 deaths in 2016.
In short, we could avert, literally, millions of fatalities each year simply by adopting better nutritional standards…”
Sadly, in the US, if you aren’t paying attention to what you eat, then you’re on track for at least one chronic disease.
It’s time to take control of your health–the stakes have never been higher!!
Probiotics for Premature Babies Provide Microbiome Boost\
COVID-19, Gut And Potential Role Of Probiotics
“There are studies which indicate that COVID-19 might be associated with intestinal dysbiosis causing inflammation and poorer response to pathogens thus making a case for probiotic strains that restore gut homeostasis. The gut microbiome has a critical impact on systemic immune responses, and immune responses at distant mucosal sites, including the lungs.”
Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be.
One more reason why just talking about the number of cases alone isn’t very helpful…
PCR tests are done in repeated cycles, which allows for detecting just HOW positive someone is, which can also tell you someone’s specific viral load. (The fewer cycles done to get a positive result means greater viral load.)
There is no agreed threshold for number of cycles for determining a positive or negative result.
“In Massachusetts, from 85 to 90 percent of people who tested positive in July with a cycle threshold of 40 would have been deemed negative if the threshold were 30 cycles…”
How Increased Screen Time During Coronavirus Outbreak Is Affecting Your Mental Health
Have you been able to get and stay active during the last 5 months?
We know it’s been a challenge!