Last Week’s Links 6-15-20

Last Week's Links 6-15-20


Rom Family Chiropractic

Before we get to the links:

The health and safety of our patients and team is our highest priority. We are continuing to schedule by appointment only to allow for the thorough cleaning of surfaces between visits. We are limiting the number of people in the office at any given time, and we are following other suggested guidelines for safety and prevention to ensure a clean, stress-free environment for everyone.

If this crisis has showed us anything it’s how important it is to have a high level of durable baseline health and resilience—now more than ever!

Here are the links from our Rom Family Chiropractic Facebook page and all the good stuff we posted over the  last week!

We like to post things on a wide variety of health topics, but it can all be broken down into 5 broad categories:

  1. Being well-adjusted
  2. Eating well
  3. Moving well
  4. Thinking well
  5. Sleeping well

Here are the links we posted from last week:

It Is Fear – Not Science – That Is Stopping Our Children Being Educated

“There is little about coronavirus we can be absolutely sure of – this is a brand new disease and our knowledge grows by the day – but most of the available evidence so far strongly suggests that children are neither suffering from coronavirus nor spreading it. Studies in South Korea, Iceland, Italy, Japan, France, China, the Netherlands and Australia all concur that  youngsters are “not implicated significantly in transmitting Covid”, not even to parents and siblings.”

Psychological Distress and Loneliness Reported by US Adults in 2018 and April 2020

Psychological distress and loneliness are way up.

What can we do to make a difference??





Do you know anyone who needs help?

Why Sleep Deprivation Kills

“Sleep is primarily seen as a neurological phenomenon, and yet when deprived creatures die, they have a puzzlingly diverse set of failures in the body outside the nervous system. Insufficient sleep in humans and lab animals, if chronic, sets up health problems that surface over time, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. But those conditions are not what slays creatures that are 100% sleep deprived within days or weeks.”

Interesting article.

Simple Stretches to Combat All That Sitting

Have you been sitting more over the last 2 months than ever before? Give these simple stretches a try!

No Evidence of Secondary Transmission of COVID-19 From Children Attending School in Ireland, 2020

More good news:

“This adds to current evidence that children do not appear to be drivers of transmission, and we argue that reopening schools should be considered safe accompanied by certain measures.”

Cucumber Melon Mint Smoothie

Looking for a refresher this weekend? Try these!!

Can Vitamin D Help With Symptoms of COVID-19? Possibly, It’s Key to Helping Your Immune System Function

Vitamin D is critical for proper immune system function.

Are you getting enough vitamin D?

Science Says: ‘Open the Schools’

According to Scott W. Atlas, MD:

“Never have schools subjected children to such an unhealthy, uncomfortable and anti-educational environment, so science cannot precisely define the total harm it will cause. But science does tell us that risks from COVID-19 are too minimal to sacrifice the educational, social, emotional and physical well-being – to say nothing of the very health – of our young people.”


Shelby Charter Township

New Baltimore

Chiropractic Shelby Charter Township MI Rom Family Chiropractic